Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Transfer Day!

It feels crazy, how quickly this day came, and this time we were actually able to go through with it!

The worst part was definitely needing a full bladder for the transfer! When we were finally called in from the waiting room I had to lay on the table for longer than I had hoped before the doc came in.

Lying there holding my husband's hand was the first time I started to get emotional, like this is for real happening holy crap, but the moment quickly passed.

We soon heard Doc talking behind a door adjacent to the procedure room and mentioning my name several times, and he finally came out and showed us a magnification of our embryos on a flat screen mounted on the wall. Pretty much little transparent circular blobs, one of them with a little bump on it. He told us that they thawed two of our four frozen embryos but one of them didn't look right, so they discarded it and thawed a third.

That means we've just got one left to work with if we want another pregnancy without doing another retrieval round. A little disheartening, but we want a big family, so we've known for a while that we might need to do at least one more round to fill out our brood. That's especially true if our last embryo doesn't survive thawing or ends up being irregular.

Anyhow, the transfer seemed to go fine (unless you count wanting to pee every time the nurse pressed the ultrasound wand into my belly), but the waiting afterwards was torture! I had to lie there for 20 minutes - one of the nurses set a timer - before I was free go get up and use the bathroom. My sweet husband tried to distract me by doing a crossword on his phone out loud, but unfortunately all that did was make things worse!

I am proud to say, though, that I made it through the entire time and made it to the toilet without embarrassing myself. ;)

So now I'm on a sort of modified bed rest for the next couple days! Already got the rest of the week off from work, and my orders are to try to sit or recline as much as possible, only getting up 15 minutes of every hour to do the necessaries, and as my friend who is currently expecting due to IVF told me her nurse told her, "nothing that bobs your ponytail!"

I've got an early blood pregnancy test on Monday, and another official one the following Saturday. The husband says he will start letting himself get excited then if the results are good, because it is more likely for something to go wrong in the next week-and-a-half than it is following.

In the meantime I am to keep on all current medications and add on an antibiotic for the next four days. If the blood tests are positive, then guess what? I keep on the meds for another ten weeks! Hooray! (did you catch the sarcasm?)

But seriously, science is awesome, and we wouldn't have a shot in hades of having children of our own without all the poking, prodding, and medications.

Keep sending happy thoughts our way! We're not in the clear yet, so any prayers and good vibes we can get would be much appreciated!


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