Monday, January 20, 2014

What Are We Doing Here?

Infertility is personal. It can be painful.
That's where this blog comes in.

Some people deal with the pain by keeping it private - the less people know, the less you have to talk about it, the quicker it just goes away.

Personally, I'm of the sort that needs to talk things through, preferably with people who have been where we are, but even at that, there are just some things you can't tell people who you really know.

Therefore, this will be an anonymous blog.

I don't claim to be an expert on In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), but I know that there is comfort in numbers. You may have found me because you weren't sure if IVF was right for you, and you wanted to hear from someone who has actually been through it. You may be here to share camaraderie in the process.

I will be sharing my personal stories with IVF, but no names (though I recognize I may need a pseudonym in the future), no locations. This isn't one of those mommy message boards with all kinds of secret initials that newcomers are confused by because nobody talks like that in real life. I'm going to talk as if you're a friend. I won't try to sugar coat things and at times I may come off bluntly. It's only fair to treat my readers as equals. Except for personally identifying information, there are no secrets here.

If you have your own stories, you are welcome to submit them! For anonymity's sake, just make sure you either change names or avoid using them!

Good vibes only, please, and away we go!

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