Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The First Ultrasound

Finally got the call yesterday to come in for an ultrasound this morning!

Now we know we're expecting just one little bundle of joy, and even though I'm disappointed both embryos didn't take, I must say I'm relieved. I think we both are. We would have been ecstatic if it were twins, but we also knew it would have been a lot more expensive and a lot more work!

So one baby it is! 


On a side note - as I lay in bed this morning waiting for my husband to wake up for our appointment, I was hit with a hunger so intense that I was almost nauseated. You know what I mean? So hungry I felt like throwing up, but there would be nothing TO throw up if I did! I had to snack most of the morning (healthy snacks! Dried cherries and light string cheese) before the sensation went away, but I sure was worried there for a minute.

I haven't experienced morning sickness yet, but I'm heading into the time frame when that's typically supposed to begin. I'm hoping beyond hope that it doesn't hit me hard, but I guess there are never guarantees!

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