Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Results are In!

My husband has been really anxious for the past couple days, but I didn't really get the butterflies until we were waiting for the phone call with our day 10 blood pregnancy test results from this morning. He had to go into work today (and it's Saturday), so I fielded the call on my own:

Office Assistant: Do you have time to go over medication instructions?

Me: Of course!

OA: We're going to have you continue on all the same medications, and we'll have you back in on Monday for another blood test.

Me: ... Okay... Aaare there any results from the pregnancy test?

OA: Your HCG level is at 224

Me: ... And that means...?

OA: You are in the early stages of pregnancy.

I mean come on really... This is the news we've been waiting for for a long time, and you've gotta use terminology that doesn't really mean anything to me?

But anyhow, YAY!

I've been having waves of bad cramps when I stand up after sitting for a while, and lots of tummy flutterings. Other than that, not much.

Now the husband wants to take me out to a celebratory dinner! There are still other things that can go wrong from this point on, but at least the most unsure, anxious, suspenseful and sensitive part is behind us!

We were both having a really hard time trying not to let our hopes get too high, but now we can actually let ourselves start planning and start considering a whole different set of questions: How do we announce to the family and to everyone else? Did both the embryos stick, or just one? When will I start feeling more symptoms?

Here we go!

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